Sunday 20 July 2008

Queen of Procrastination

It's a lazy sunday afternoon, and I'm trying to put off doing some work, so I'm compiling some lists to pass the time. I'll try and spread them out over the next few days to make it a bit more interesting. First up, is a list of stuff I'd like to do at some point in my life. No, it's not a replacement todo - I won't feel a sense of failure should I never get round to doing these things. It's just a list of things that I think would be fun to try:
  • Milk a cow (I saw this recently on the tellybox and I think it looks like it could be fun...)
  • Stay a night in a lighthouse (this has always been a dream of mine. The actual dream is to have a radio station that I run from the lighthouse, but that's not as realistic as just trying to spend the night in one.)
  • Skydive (I'm not sure if it's the idea of falling out of a plane, or the idea of being strapped to a great big hunk of a man and falling out of a plane...)
  • Attend a pole dancing class (I've been looking at some classes near me, and have had confirmation from certain siblings that they would join me. A verbal contract is legally binding in my world.)
  • Go to a football match (I can't believe I've never actually been to a football match in the UK. The only one I've been to is one in Japan, and I'm somehow guessing that polite clapping and instant ramen noodles don't feature quite so heavily in English games.)
  • Have a colonic (Just because the whole concept intrigues me...)
  • Change my hairstyle (yeah, not sure how realistic this last one is...)



Blogger Geoff said...

I'd like to attend a pole dancing class too. I'd just want to be a spectator though.

21 July 2008 at 14:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are you kidding? You just can't let go of the Todo.

And I finally managed to comment. Yee hah!

23 July 2008 at 14:40


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